Social Project

Resolution and Dream Board

The Resolution and Dreams Board Conference is an annual conference held every January at Artland. This conference is aimed at giving children within the age bracket of 6-12 and young adults between the age range 13-18 the opportunity to build their resolutions for the year while they also draw a dreams board targeted at projecting into the next 10 years of their lives. Areas they emphasis on includes their social life, educational life, spiritual life, health, talent, skills and career.

Mental Health Awareness

Mental Health Awareness program is an annual program held at Artland (Kumasi City Mall) by KATH in collaboration with Artland Ghana. This program creates an opportunity for relevant stakeholder engagement (mental health practitioners, families with children with mental health conditions, professional therapeutic practitioners like Artland Ghana, the media counselors etc.) The program aims at creating awareness on the various mental health challenges that affect children while bringing all these expertise to discuss best practices needed in handling mental health conditions in children.

Academic Periodic Training Sessions

Periodic training sessions for teachers who handle early childhood development grades in schools. The training is centered on 21st century teaching and learning methodologies and best practices required to build solid foundations in the academic journeys of the lives of children.


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We stand in the parenting gap and nurture kids with problem-solving skills through STEAM education.

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